Caught the La Passacaglia Fever!
Time for some hand piecing! When I saw the cover of Willyne Hammerstein's Millefiori Quilts , I just had to make one of my own. My La Passacaglia quilt is going to be composed of 100% Liberty Tana Lawn pieces. This should be a great way to use up some of my Tana Lawn scrap fabric collection. The rosette centers will all be made from Grayson Perry Cranford in several colors. I love those little faces in the bonnets. Some centers will be pink, some will be purple, some will be brown and some will be grey. If I had the other colors, I would use them as well. Unfortunately, I do not have them and they are pretty much impossible to find now. I have finished my first small rosette. Here it is in its first close up... And here it is from a distance... Oh my goodness, what a lengthy project this will be. What do you think? Happy quilting! Susan